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Wed Jan 15th, 2025 @ 5:41pm

Ensign Emilynn Dove

Name Emilynn Mackenzie Dove

Position Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 22

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6''
Weight 122
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Bright Green
Physical Description Emilynn is small with delicate features. Her hair, a dark brown unruly mess - only manageable when pulled back, surrounds a set of brightly coloured green eyes. Eyes as bright as hers should in all fairness exude happiness, however instead a certain amount of sadness seems ensnared behind them. Her olive skin glows ever so slightly and upon her right forearm there is a small white birthmark the shape of a diamond.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Lieutenant Commander Marcus Alexander Dove
Mother Isabella Grace Morrison-Dove
Brother(s) Calvin Levi Dove
Sister(s) Amelia Nicole Dove (deceased)
Other Family None at this time

Personality & Traits

General Overview Emilynn is somewhat reserved and tends to focus more on her work than on building personal relationships making her difficult to get to know.
Strengths & Weaknesses She excels at learning, but tends to overthinks things.
Ambitions To move up in her career and make her father proud of her.
Hobbies & Interests Restoring and collecting antique mechanical watches, giving life back to time.

Photography and watercolour painting.

Personal History Emilynn is the only surviving daughter of Marcus and Isabella Dove. Her twin died at birth. She has an older brother named Calvin who is somewhat of a black sheep of the family. She has always been the peacemaker between him and her father. She grew up in San Francisco where her mother worked at Star Fleet Command as a civilian landscaper while her father served as a Lieutenant Commander on a deep space ship. She hopes to follow in his foot steps to escape the large city.
Service Record This being her first assignment she is apprehensive about the inner workings of ship life. She is cautiously optimistic about her future.