
  • 6 Mission Posts

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Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 4:30pm

Lieutenant Hank Solomon

Name Hank Solomon

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 190cm
Weight 82
Hair Color brown
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Tall, slim and physically fit. He keeps his hair cut short, military style. Well shaved face.


Spouse N/A
Father Frank Solomon Jr
Mother Ann Solomon
Sister(s) Francine Solomon

Personality & Traits

General Overview Somewhat introvert but he is really efficient in his job. He can fit perfectly with solitude and used to work on his own but can also lead a team when needed.
Strengths & Weaknesses Stubborn, that can either be considered a strenght when trying to solve a problem or a weakness.
Ambitions One day, to gain his own command.
Hobbies & Interests High altitude mountaineering and trekking. Climbing, ice climbing and camping.

Personal History
Born in London to a middle-class family. Early in his life he showed interes in physiscs and science overall. He quickly fell in love with the natural world and the underlying principles that govern the universe. Although growing up in a metropoli, he was known for his curiosity and keen interest in how things worked, often found tinkering with gadgets, even small circuits, or lost in books about physics and astronomy.
As he aged, his interest in scientific matters didn't fade. On the contrary, Hank decided to make science his day to day job and decided to join Starfleet Academy in order to pursue his dream of learning more about universe and deepening his scientific knowledge.
During his time at Starfleet Academy, Hank not only excelled in his studies, but also discovered a newfound passion for nature and the great outdoors. While excelling in advanced theoretical physics, stellar cartography, and xenobiology, he also became an avid mountaineer. In his free time, he would venture into the wilderness on Earth, exploring wild areas, climbing mountains and spending days in the solitude of nature.
The endurance and physical challenge of mountaineering, together with his passion for science and exploration, made him a good fit for deep space exploration.
Though space is his primary frontier, Hank still carries his love for nature with him. He can often be found in the ship's holodeck, recreating some of Earth's most famous mountain ranges or exploring alien landscapes to stay connected to the natural world that first inspired him.
Service Record USS Italia - first assignment as a cadet in the scientific department. He quickly showed his value and obtained a role as a scientific officer on board.
USS Columbus - After a couple of years on the Italia he got the chance to move to a scientific vessel, the USS Columbus, where he proceeded his career charting parts of deep space, leading a small team of astocartographers.
USS Curie - transferred to the scientific vessel USS Curie with the role of Assistant CSO
USS Firebird - Transferred to the USS Firebird as CSO of the vessel