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Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 4:30pm

Lieutenant Gale Deekros

Name Gale Deekros

Position Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Trill

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11
Weight 230
Hair Color Brown flicked with silver
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description The first thing you notice about Gale is his hands. Nimble fingered, constantly in motion, tracing shapes great and small in his uniform slacks or even in the air. While some of his spots are obscured by his full but well-maintained beard, which like his pushing the limits of regulation length hair is flecked with silver, they can still be seen on his forehead and the sides of his neck. His eyes, as deep a brown as his spots, are often warm, but sometimes guarded, and most often light-years away. A thin, dark line under his left eye curls along his jaw, alongside his spots and beneath his uniform.

While a scientist, his build has a trim sort of musculature, which also shows in his stride and general bearing. His voice is a rich, accented baritone, which pitches higher when he goes into what his crewmates call his 'professor' voice.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Elzer Aumar
Mother Morena Deekros
Other Family Besides his mother, the only other person he would consider family is a Cait named T'ara, whose family moved to Trill when Gale and Tara were both children. T'ara was the only friend Gale had, as Initiates were often more rivals than friends - and the demands of being a Initiate for joining, especially one who was deemed a prodigy, left little time for outside friends. T'ara also became a Starfleet science officer, and they served together on their first two vessels, until the incident.

Personality & Traits

General Overview The first impression you gather is that Gale is an obnoxious know it all. But his arrogance - oh, and is there arrogance - is tempered by what seems like an underlying good nature - as well as the sneaking suspicion that Gale is desperate to be seen as useful and worthy.
Strengths & Weaknesses Gale's mind is his primary weapon. He has a mental quickness that is often steps ahead of a problem. He approaches said problems with a dogged resolve that's almost unshakable. And once he gets over his insecurities, he is a natural leader who can bring people together and bring out their best.

However, Gale's mind can be his worst weakness when it turns against him and convinces him he isn't good enough and won't ever be good enough, and that he's just a burned out husk of a once bright star. This can lead him to take unnecessary risks to put his life in danger if it will save others. Less dramatically, it can make him a bit of (okay, a lot of) a people pleaser.
Ambitions Gale's current ambition is to understand the accident that severed him from his former life and his home world. Either to undo it and become able to be a host again- or to understand what sort of threat it poses beyond the harm it already did.
But beyond this quest, perhaps his best ambition is to be Gale Deekros in a way he has never been - a person whose worth is not contingent on the approval of others, and who can discover and explore with a sense of exuberant wonder.
Hobbies & Interests Writing not very good poetry. Hauling around a crate of actual books from ship to ship. Cooking with ingredients he sweet talks out of botanists. Doing holodeck adventures where he pretends to be a wizard.

Personal History Gale Deekros, from a young age, was a prodigy, destined for greatness.

Or so he thought.

His father was the seventh host of the respected Aumar symbiont, and his legacy loomed large over his son. Gayel was only two when his father died on a diplomatic mission, though he sometimes suspected the eighth Aumar host was watching over him from afar. His mother, Morena, was a botanist who moved her and Gale to Fathomsea, a bustling and beautiful port metropolis in Trill's northern hemisphere.

At age seven, Gale began the selection trials to become an Initiate, and then hopefully to become joined, as his father was. He excelled at what were often grueling tasks, and stayed up late studying, physically training, and trying to make himself good enough to be chosen. His only friend during childhood (and beyond) was a young Cait named T'ara whose parents, also botanists, had come to study the unique flora around Fathomsea.

Like his mother, Gale was a scientist, and his curiosity extended from the planet under his feet to the stars and galaxies beyond. He and T'ara promised they'd become scientists together, maybe even try to join Starfleet together.

As a teenager on the verge of being a young man, Gale became an Initiate, and was placed under Arel Miztra, one of the most venerable symbionts, as his field docent. Miztra was demanding, overwhelming - and Gale wanted to do nothing more than to impress her, and prove his worth.

Miztra had been badly injured, several hosts past, and this injury had severed some of its memories. This made many of its hosts, especially Arel, guarded, and demand more of their young Initiates. Arel demanded much of Gale, and as he learned under her tutelage, she began an inappropriate and imbalanced relationship with him as she assured him he was her chosen to become Myztra's next host, even if this meant he may have to wait to become Joined. Gale assured her that becoming Myztra's next host would be worth it.

At 18, Gale (and T'ara) were delighted to find they'd both been accepted to Starfleet Academy. T'ara specialized in experimental physics with an eye for transporter engineering, and Gale found himself drawn to astrogeology, though he excelled at any subject he learned. Both graduated with honors, and were fortunate to serve on their first two vessels together. Gale's vidcalls to his mother were often made with T'ara at his side.

But even as Gale was assured the Myztra symbiont would be his, he felt uneasy. Like it could be taken away. He and Arel stayed in their now long-distance relationship, which only served to isolate Gale from his crewmates and any potential new friends. Gale couldn't help but worry. What if Arel met someone brighter than him, who wanted it more? He had to do more, he had to be better.

And an unusual substance, a mineral he termed 'karsite,' seemed to offer that chance. It seemed to have unique properties that he thought could increase the neural connections between symbiont and host - maybe this was the key to bringing Myztra's memories back. He worked obsessively on the project, and neither T'ara nor his mother, or any of his crewmates, could pull him away from his work.

When Arel died, after a brief illness, she honored her promise, and Gale became the next Myztra host shortly after his 32nd birthday. Myztra, however, soon realized the depths of its recent's host obsession. Gale had barely returned to his ship, and his experiments, when catastrophe struck.

Maybe it was the explosion. Maybe it was the karsite itself. But one moment Gale was in his lab, and the next he was waking up in a hospital on Trill, his exhausted mother bent over in a chair at his bedside.

The bond between host and symbiont had broken. Beyond the wounds from the explosion, Gale had been near death for weeks, as first Starfleet and then Trill doctors wondered if he would live. Myztra, Gale later discovered, had miraculously lived - but two subsequent joining efforts had failed.

Maybe it was a month, though it felt like a year, that he convalesced in his childhood home, his tower by the sea. T'ara vidcalled, urged him to come back to his ship - to her - but Gale couldn't imagine the humiliation. When his doctors pronounced him well enough to return to duty, Gale asked for a transfer, hoping to leave Trill and the ashes of his former life far behind.

Service Record Graduate of Starfleet Academy, Academic Honors
Ensign - Science Officer, USS Chionthar
Lt. (jg) - Science Officer, USS Mirar
Lt. - Science Officer, USS Mirar
Medical Leave of Absence
Lt. - Science Officer, USS Firebird