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Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 4:30pm

Crewman Thyra Kevensdotter

Name Thyra Kevensdotter

Position Security Officer

Rank Crewman

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 18

Physical Appearance

Height 5’10”
Weight 165
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Thyra has the stocky, well-muscled body typical of her mother's people, the Odinskusinerdreimalentferntwurdier, with piercing blue eyes and long, flowing blonde hair that comes to her waist when loose. She usually wears her hair in multiple braids of differing lengths and out of uniform can always be seen wearing a hat, helmet or other ornate head covering. When permitted, she can also be seen carrying a large number of blades and other melee weapons both openly and concealed.


Father Kevin Lance
Mother Kera Börsdotter
Brother(s) Kolar Rodale Lance - Half Brother
Sister(s) Ashla Rodale Lance - Half Sister
Other Family Mira Angelina Rodale - Stepmother

Personality & Traits

General Overview Thyra is a friendly, happy-go-lucky girl with an ironically stoic attitude towards misfortune. She sees herself as a bridge between the Odinskus and other races of the Federation.

She has a conflicted view of duty. It is a cultural tenet of the Odinskus but was the primary reason that kept her parents apart and the altar upon which a full relationship with her father was sacrificed.
Strengths & Weaknesses Thyra is a skilled warrior, comfortable with unarmed techniques, hand-to-hand and ranged weapons. She is sociable to the point of being overbearing and has a tendency to be careless.

Thyra is not comfortable with using advanced technology. She can be trained in its use but she prefers doing things "by hand". She has no aptitude for engineering or the sciences.
Ambitions To represent the Odinskus as a courageous and noble addition to the Federation. A deeper relationship with her father.
Hobbies & Interests Martial combat, brewing mead, embroidery, dancing

Personal History Thyra is the daughter of Kevin Lance, a career Star Fleet officer, and Kera Börsdotter, shield maiden to Odinskus Kaptain Astra Karrelsdotter. The relationship between her unmarried parents fell apart just after she was conceived as neither parent would turn away from their duty for the sake of staying with the other. Thrya was raised by her mother, as is Odinskus tradition, and was formally introduced to her father at age three, again according to tradition. She spent her younger years on Starbase 364 where both her mother's and father's ships were assigned.

At eight years old, she returned to Alpha Pyxis Five with her mother and was raised in the Odinskus traditions but was, out of respect for her father, trained in the ways of the Federation as well. Contact with her father in these years was less frequent and she was always endeavoring to impress him. Her father was loving but duty with Star Fleet was always a chasm in their relationship that was impossible to fill. Joining Star Fleet was an attempt to rectify this.

She was unable to test well enough academically to qualify for the Academy, despite her father’s connections and influence, but chose to enlist in the security branch instead.

The USS Firebird is her first assignment after completing advanced specialty training.