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Mon Feb 3rd, 2025 @ 4:50pm

Lieutenant JG Randolf Forst

Name Randolf Forst

Position Assistant Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 200 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Randolf is unassuming physically. He keeps himself healthy and trim, but aside from a slight scar on his left hand from a phaser burn (the result of a training mission) he is pretty "standard" as humans go.


Father Albrecht
Mother Feli

Personality & Traits

General Overview Randolf is generally introverted in most cases but is not afraid to be assertive when it comes to his work. He has worked hard for the positions that he has gotten and takes pride in the work that he does.
Strengths & Weaknesses He is a strong scientist with a sharp mind for experimentation and writing, but he can be a little obsessive and sometimes forgets that on a starship there are more things going on than his experiments.
Ambitions He wants to be the chief science officer on a science vessel. One that goes further afield than any other ship has. (Some of the notable exceptions (*cough* Voyager *cough*) not withstanding.)
Hobbies & Interests In seeming contrast to his meek demeanor elsewhere Randolf has developed a strong passion for ancient earth martial arts. With a recent focus on Ving Tsun.

Personal History Randolf was born on Mars (December 5, 2368) to two engineers working in the Utopia Planetia shipyards. When he was 18 he attended Starfleet Academy. Originally to be an Engineer like his parents, but ultimately switched into the more abstract realm of astro-biology. After he graduated he was assigned to a science ship where he spent five years before being promoted to Lieutenant JG. Between his assigned tasks he is often working on experiments related to the effects of prolonged exposure to warp travel on cellular structures. His crowning achievement to date was the citation of one of his more recent papers by the Chief Science Officer of the <(Federations flagship Science Vessel)>.

His most recent work has been on a pair of Carnean voles. Keeping one in the science lab as a control, the other is, humanely, subjected to exposure to warp travel. The initial findings are in line with previous experimental data, but there is a small effect on cellular walls that has not been previously recorded.
Service Record 2386 - Joined Starfleet Academy
2390 - Assigned to the USS Charleston
2393 - Promoted to Lieutenant JG
2396 - Assigned to USS Firebird