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Tue Jan 7th, 2025 @ 12:58am

Petty Officer 1st Class Baris Demir

Name Baris Ormanin Demir

Position Quartermaster

Rank Petty Officer 1st Class

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Boslic
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10
Weight 167 lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Baris has the ridged foreheads, wrinkled noses, and creased cheek bones of his species, though his forehead is smoother than most of his kin. Wiry brown hair has been cropped short and usually looks like it has never been styled in spire of his best efforts. His forehead slopes low, giving his resting face a stern look. His build is medium, with plenty of wiry muscles from a life of constant space work.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Matic
Mother Nilina
Brother(s) Jusic
Sister(s) Zanic

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Organized, honest, hard-working, never complaining. Blunt, sharp, given to brief outbursts and and bouts of extreme solitude.

Personal History Baris is blunt, with little patience for small talk or social grace. His parents ran a small freighter ship delivering goods or people to virtually any destination. Like most Boslics, family structure was the primary allegiance, and they owned only what they could buy and sell. Life aboard the freighter was second nature. The only home he'd known. Ships must be kept in order. Equipment is no less important. People overlook their tools until it's too late--trouble comes and the right tool is lost, broken, or old. A well-run ship requires a well-run supply department.

When Baris was 20, the Demir's freighter spent several weeks negotiating with another Boslic freighter. At the end, several marriage contracts were arranged and several crew swapped between ships. Baris was sent to the other vessel to be with his betrothed, Tilik Nosin. They tries but really did not suit each other at all. After several months, Baris cobbled together a trade to pay off the Nosin family, leave Tilik behind, and join an Orion vessel. Several months later his shuttle was caught in an ion storm that killed two of the crew. Baris and another other were rescued by a Starfleet vessel. He was taken to a nearby Starbase but the crew's rescue left him with a new desire.

Starfleet accepted him at age 21. Few Boslics were in Starfleet, he felt isolated and misunderstood, and he retreated slowly behind a wall. It wasn't hard to separate himself from other more "Starfleet" species. After graduation he was assigned to the USS Centaur, where his loneliness and devotion to running a tight ship grew. The captain gave him plenty of leeway--most of the complaints were about his nature and not his ability. Still, it took nearly four years to reach lieutenant junior-grade. And now, rumors of a new starbase swirl. A place that could really use his tight hand.
Service Record 2368- Birth (Boslic)
2389-2392: Starfleet Academy, Security Corps
2392-2395: Assigned to USS Centaur. Ensign.
2394: Promoted to Lieutenant JG (age 28)
2395-: Assigned to USS Firebird