
  • 10 Mission Posts

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Fri Jan 17th, 2025 @ 6:08pm

Ensign Gazo Daw

Name Gazo Daw

Position Propulsion Specialist

Second Position Security Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Bajoran
Age 20

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 155
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Daw is somewhat slight in stature and tends to stand behind people when he is in a crowd. He is very dark-skinned for a Bajoran, something that he is sensitive about. He has bright blue eyes that appear even brighter in contrast with his skin. He is left-handed and is quick and nimble


Father Gazo Lew
Mother Gazo Kiren
Brother(s) Gazo Elaw

Personality & Traits

General Overview Daw tends to be shy around new people, more prone to listening and examining. However, once he is comfortable with people, his quirky, funny side comes out. He loves a good prank almost as much as he loves learning new things about starships.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Focused
+Mechanical Minded
+Good Listener
-Not a leader
Ambitions Daw has dreamed about working on a Starfleet ship since he was little. His father and mother are merchants and he often accompanied them to DS9, where he had many interactions with crews from various different types of ships. He is very grateful to the Federation and their impact on Bajor. He one day hopes to specialize in propulsion systems.
Hobbies & Interests Tinkering, hiking, exploring, reading new propulsion research.