Lieutenant Commander Jörgen Leed
Name Jörgen Leed
Position Chief Diplomatic Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Terran | |
Age | 46 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 5'11' | |
Weight | 172lbs | |
Hair Color | Blonde | |
Eye Color | Brown | |
Physical Description | A mop of lanky, blond hair tops two brown eyes a broad face. He has a swimmer's build: broad chest, narrow waist and muscled through the arms, legs and shoulders. A bit of extra weight in the stomach. A ready smile with a dueling intensity in his eyes. He loves sailing, swimming, and cycling in addition to wine. He often reads but it is for work, not pleasure. Pleasure is in drink and company--he enjoys positive relationships with others. Unfortunately he tends to forget faces and names until he knows someone well. |
Spouse | Anna Leed | |
Children | Helle Birte |
Father | Jens Peder Leed | |
Mother | Othilia Rasmussen | |
Brother(s) | Lars | |
Sister(s) | Hertha |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Pragmatic, friendly, but not a big talker. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | Strength: friendly; intelligent; listens before speaking; good physical condition; dependable; kind. Weakness: absent-minded; indecisive; does not do well in large groups; |
Personal History | Although a frequent flier aboard various starships, Jörgen and Anna began their careers living most of their time on Earth. As each of them rose to minor importance in their fields, a join interest in Bajoran art, philosophy, and politics encouraged them to accept positions on Bajor. The transition was strongly rewarding. Each flourished in their own way. Still, they agreed to head back to Earth for Jörgen's career for advanced training while Anna researched Starfleet archives for her own studies. The next step was the hardest: after training Jörgen was assigned to the Klingon delegation. His success meant an extension from two years to four years. Afterwards, they agreed to move back to less militant surroundings. They were both accepted aboard the USS Hinotori along with their two young daughters. Now a lieutenant, neither Jörgen nor Anna knew what was coming when Jörgen suddenly assigned to [redacted]. For recognition of great services rendered, Jörgen was promoted to the rank of lieutenant commander and assigned as diplomat-at-large to Bajor. Unrest was growing in certain sectors of the Federation, and Starfleet at first wanted Jörgen back on Earth. Wanting rather to be useful in a variety of ways, he was assigned to the USS Firebird, which served many quick-response, support missions. He quickly found himself embroiled in many tense, high stakes situations where he often walked a delicate line between critical contact with often hostile forces and direct insubordination of Starfleet protocols. He sometimes offered the crew analysis of possible motivations and outcomes, while slowly growing fond of the captains' "greatest good" decisions over absolute guidelines. After the ship and crew were remanded back to Starfleet, LC Leed found himself mostly exonerated of disciplinary proceedings. He was considered a steadying hand in some of the volatile junctures of the USS Firebird's missions. As such, he has remained on the Firebird, joined now by his daughter Helle. Jörgen believes he gave his best to both Starfleet and the crew, and honestly believes he has both of their interests in mind. As they answer a call to the wormhole, he is busy compiling data for a possible encounter with hostile forces in the Gamma quadrant. |
Service Record | 2350: Birth 2368-2371: Starfleet Academy, Diplomatic Corps 2371-2375: Assigned to Bajoran Embassy, Bajor. Ensign, Junior Diplomat. 2373: Promoted to Lieutenant JG 2376-2378: Transferred to Federation Embassy, Earth. Advanced Training. 2379-2383: Assigned to Starbase 234 as Head of Diplomatic Mission- Klingon 2379: Promoted to Lieutenant. 2383-2391: Assigned to USS Hinotori 2384-2385: Assigned to CLASSIFIED 2385: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander 2391-2394: Assigned to DS9. Diplomat at Large for Bajoran Relations 2394-: Assigned to USS Firebird. |