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The Welsh Connection

Posted on Thu Feb 16th, 2023 @ 3:29pm by Captain Malcom Llwyedd & Lieutenant Commander Cynfor Rees
Edited on on Sat Mar 4th, 2023 @ 4:27pm

1,887 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Prelude to Rebirth
Location: Ready Room - Deck 1 - USS Firebird
Timeline: 05 December 2395


The past three months had been a whirlwind for Cynfor Rees. He'd gone from criminal to hero and he had Jorgen and Jackson to thank for it. That would have been enough to make his old heart swell. However, when he was called to Commander Llwyedd's Ready Room Cyn did not know what to expect.

Rees assumed that he would resume his duties as Chief of Operations on the Firebird. But now he was not so sure. Cyn had not seen Malcolm since before everything had happened, that is since before he was arrested. Now he stood in front of the Ready Room door. Rees took a deep breath and pressed the door chime, as he hoped that the Commander would not transfer him off the ship.

Malcom was standing in front of the narrow floor-to-ceiling window that graced his Ready Room. Like the rest of the ship, it wasn't big but he was happy to have it. He was enthralled by what he saw. The refit dock was busy today. He could see a battered hospital ship with a deep phaser scoring along her entire right side. It also had numerous holes in the hull that shimmered with blue forcefields. He thought of Jenna and her likely upcoming command on just such a ship and shivered. He'd rather she stay Earthside forever. The fact that she would probably outrank him had nothing to do with it. Or so he told himself.

His door chimed and he responded without turning around. "Come in."

Rees stepped through the doors and as soon as he heard the telltale swish of them closing he came to attention. "Lieutenant Commander Cynfor Rees reporting as ordered sir." The new black pip stood out on his collar. This promotion like everything else that happened recently came as a surprise. Cyn was now at a rank he never thought he would achieve. The Captain seemed to be lost in thought at the moment, and Rees hated that he had to disturb him. However, his presence was requested.

Malcolm pivoted on his heel and took in the sight of Mr. Rees. "Ai ysbryd y blynyddoedd a fu? Neu efallai fy mod yn cael gweledigaeth," he said and made his way to his chair." Like many of the circumstances around the Firebird lately, he wasn't sure if he knew, or would ever know, the stories about how they'd all escaped prison time, including Cynfor Rees.

"Mae'r weledigaeth yn real. Mae fy nghalon yn falch o'ch gweld." Rees was happy to see his Captain and fellow Welshman. He was happier that all he had feared about the Captain was incorrect. "Morning to you Captain. Glad to see you back where you belong behind that desk aboard the Firebird."

"Thank you, Cynfor," Malcom said. "Please have a seat." He waited until the officer had relaxed before continuing. "I have to say, I am incredibly surprised to see you sitting here before me. I suppose you could say the same thing about me though. But my own return came with a cost." Malcom pointed to his rank pips. "I can't imagine that yours came with anything less. Would you care to give me a little insight as to how you managed it?"

"There are two words that could sum up how I am sitting here, Old Friends. If it were not for certain members of this crew I would be in the penal colony in New Zealand right now. Along the way, we managed to thwart an assassination attempt on the life of Lieutenant Commander Leed and other diplomats." Cynfor summed up the whirlwind that was the past few months. He was not going to tell the Captain that it was Leed and Jackson who arranged for his redemption, that is not unless the Captain ordered it.

In the brief moment that followed Rees realized that he had not actually answered Malcom's question. "The cost of my journey here was some of my self-respect and some of the respect of others. Captain, I'm sorry."

Malcom digested Cynfor's words. "At this point in my life, I guess nothing is going to shock me. I'm also wise enough to realize that there's plenty you aren't telling me. However, you're catching me at a really difficult point in my life and I'm just going to leave well enough alone," Malcom said. "For now." He ran a hand through his hair.

"Between us, I understand, as much as I can without being a father, why you did what you did. But I can't completely forgive you for it. I know that's somewhat hypocritical considering my recent actions. We all make decisions and have to carry the weight of those decisions with us. What I need to know is whether you can carry that weight and still be an effective officer here on the Firebird?"

The reaction was something Cyn expected. He had hoped that his expectations were wrong, and that forgiveness would be given. But he guessed that would be something that would come in due time. "You are too right when you say that we all have to carry the weight of decisions that we make. Decisions that were made in the heat of the moment and were right for the time. What I have done will not affect my ability to serve on the Firebird. In fact, I believe it will help my performance. In many ways, I feel as though a weight has been lifted."

"Good. One of the things that I've been trying to figure out since you walked in, is the explanation of these orders that came in this morning. I'm the only one who has seen them, including Kipp. They were addressed to me exclusively," Malcom said and picked up a PADD from his desk.

"Attention to orders. Commander Cynfor Rees has been reinstated to active duty and cleared of all charges related to -redacted-." Malcom said, raising an eyebrow as he continued to read. "Furthermore, Commander Rees is commended for his perseverance in overcoming challenges both personal and professional in a manner that showed great courage and dedication. A Memorandum of Thanks has been filed in his personnel record by Admiral Suzan Saquira, head of the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps. In recognition of his accomplishments, Commander Rees is hereby appointed Executive Officer of the USS Firebird effective immediately. Commander Rees' actions reflect great credit upon him, his family, and Starfleet." Malcom finished reading and handed the PADD to Cynfor.

Rees took the PADD and read the orders. Even though Malcom had just read them he still found it hard to believe. After what Malcom had just said Cyn felt that he could speak candidly. "While these orders are a great honor, if you would rather me refuse them and take a transfer I would. This ship needs you in command more than it needs me as XO." The Captain was never an easy man to read now more than ever, and he was not sure how Llewyedd felt about this new turn of events.

"I appreciate that. But even if I wanted you to refuse them, which I don't, I'm not really in any position to refuse orders right now. Starfleet is looking for any reason to discharge me. I know you're a good officer and, more than that you've been one of my crew. I don't give up on people, especially when they are Welshmen," Malcom said with a smile. "So you're stuck with me like I'm stuck with you. I think we can find a way to make it work. Be aware that my track record with XOs isn't stellar. Just so you know what you are getting into. And finally, Commander, anyone who gets assigned to this ship is being written off by command. Not just those that have been with us either. We are going to get the dregs of the fleet and the ensigns who scrape through the academy. Your job is not going to be an easy one. Are you sure you want it?"

Rees returned the smile and thought that an old Welsh oath was warranted, so he recited solemnly. "Brawd i frawd mewn bywyd a marwolaeth" The main thought that ran through Cyn's mind at the moment was what a difference a day could make in the winding road that is life. "I am sure that we can make fine honorary Welshmen out of them all. As you and others are taking a chance on me then who am I to not return the favor for others? Are any of the old Firebirds coming back? Unfortunately, I have not been able to keep up with many people given my circumstances."

"Brothers indeed," Malcom said. "Yes, most of the crew are coming back. I suspect they didn't have many other options and they've gotten used to my way of doing things. We lost T'sai, Temo, and Grenzend fighting the Romulans, as you know. I haven't seen Poc since we stopped at DS9 on our way to refit. The boatswain decided to retire and our entire science department was transferred to some secret mission." Malcom paused. "So we've had a lot of loss but the core of the crew is returning. You'll know almost everyone and you'll meet whatever newcomers we get between now and when we ship out for real. I'm going to count on you to manage the crew conflicts that always come up and keep me in the loop as needed. I'm going to try to wrangle Starfleet command into giving us some real work. Let me know what you need from me."

Rees was in shock. He could not in his wildest dreams have thought that he would be up for Executive Officer. "There should be little issues with most of the crew returning. If any issues arise from any of the newcomers you of course will be the first to know. As it stands you have given me all I could need and then some. Please allow me to say thank you for this opportunity. I know that in due time the fleet will realize the asset that the Firebird is. Just getting back out there will make all the difference to the crew."

Malcom stood up and shook hands with his new XO. "We'll make them realize our worth, Number One. Now I probably should get back to sorting through the new personnel files. We've got a crew coming back and we need to be ready. Get yourself settled in and get your office set up. Next time, I'll come visit you," Malcom said with a smile.

Rees smiled and stood up. "I will make sure that the kettle is on for when you do. In the meantime I will see to it that the crew is settled in a ready to get out there again." When the dismissal order was given Rees turned for the door with a smile the ran ear to ear. This was indeed the dawn of a new era.


Commander Malcom Llwyedd
Commanding Officer
USS Firebird NCC-88298
Lieutenant Commander Cynfor Rees
Executive Officer
USS Firebird NCC-88298


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Comments (1)

By Captain Malcom Llwyedd on Fri Mar 3rd, 2023 @ 9:24am

This was a harder JP to write. We had to make everything tie together well and be a bridge for the new XO. With his complicated past, I think we managed to pull it off! Glad to have you onboard, XO!