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New Start - USS Firebird

Posted on Thu Mar 21st, 2024 @ 1:23pm by Lieutenant JG JB Dersch

235 words; about a 1 minute read

Personal Log,

It has been a whirlwind of activity lately, with Olivia being six months pregnant with our second child and Katie nearing the end of her school year. We have been discussing the possibility of sending her to a Starfleet Youth camp this summer, but we have not yet made a final decision. It could be a great opportunity for her to learn more about space exploration and science, but I also worry about being away from her for an extended period of time.

In the midst of all this, I have received news of my new duty station as the Aissitant Chief Security and Tactical Officer on the USS Firebird. It is both exciting and daunting to think about the responsibilities that come with this new role. I have been studying up on the ship's systems and protocols to ensure a smooth transition when I board.

Olivia has been incredibly supportive throughout all of this, taking on more of the household responsibilities as my workload increases. I am grateful for her strength and understanding during this busy time in our lives.

As we continue to navigate these new changes and decisions, I am reminded of the importance of family and the bonds that hold us together. I am grateful for the love and support of Olivia and Katie, and look forward to the adventures that lie ahead for our growing family. End log.


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